Thursday, December 31, 2015

Our Own Resolve

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other."
- Abraham Lincoln

I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions, but every New Year's Eve causes me to reflect upon the entire past year. I believe every day requires fresh resolve, new ideas, open-mindedness, renewed understanding, improved communications, consideration and respect, and last, but certainly not least...a real good cup of coffee!

It's been a fantastic year for Amador Community News. We (and when I say, "we", I mean "us", Amador County) have really made an awesome team in getting community news and information out to a much wider regional, national and yes, global community...a goal that was just a dream nearly nine years ago. And here we are!

Changing ACN over to a Facebook Page had its initial challenges, but with the help of several savvy friends and readers who encouraged me through the process, our social media presence is better than its ever been, reaching thousands in the region every day via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and, of course, our one-click access, core blog site at,

Perhaps the most challenging (without surprise) has been the political atmosphere that I've been somehow and somewhat "thrown into". As a member of a few local political discussion groups via Facebook, I've lent my own thoughts and opinions, and joined the debate on several subjects, such as (and not limited to): Amador's economy, local government and 2016 political candidates, significant events and issues such as the Butte Fire, No Dollar General, Newman Ridge, SR16, Wild & Scenic, etc.)  There are those who don't think I should have a voice in these conversations, since I don't actually reside there. Those who do know me, know my history and my love for Amador County and the reasons for my passion and stake in its future. If you don't know me, ask me...let's have a cup of coffee...because if you fall in that category, chances are you're going to assume I know nothing.

I've consistently endured continual heat for running ACN as a non-partisan, politically neutral, independent news blog, My answer has always been: Why? I don't answer to "powers that be"...I answer to you, the people, the voters. I don't cater to the left or right (which is, I guess, why I get so much heat). No one has me in their back pocket; I do not endorse any candidate, and will advertise for any candidate, Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal. I will publish ALL Letters to the Editor, commentaries, OpEds, blog articles, etc. No matter where you stand on the political spectrum, I am here to serve "we, the people".

This upcoming Election year is going to be quite interesting for all of us, so the focus for ACN will be the voters of Amador County and our First Amendment rights of free speech and a free press. Your VOICE is important; your VOTE is important! So send me your comments, your thoughts, your opinions, your input.

2016 is gonna be a great year for community media! Together, our resolution to continue on as a great team will only reap the rewards of success. That said...I'm going to keep it simple and excellent this year:

Goals for our ACN team in 2016:
1. Send me your stuff, I will publish it. If you don't send it, I can't publish it!
2. If you are a local business, or are a part of a community group/organization, be a Supporting Advertiser! It's only $50/year (yes, year). That's less than $5/month...for an entire year. I challenge ANY media/promotional outlet in Amador County to compete with ACN when it comes to the kind of promotion you'll get for the dollar. Yet...if you've counted your pennies and still have a meager budget, consider having someone sponsor your advertising on ACN! Or have 10 people in your organization pitch in $5.
3. Update your web sites and social media, at least weekly. Daily is great, weekly is good; monthly if all you have is a newsletter, but...something is better than nothing! Don't let your media lag. I've seen way too many sites, blogs, pages, etc. lapse years behind. Your community needs you, needs to be aware of what you have to offer. Oh, and see #1 order for me to promote it, ya gotta send it!  NOTE: Remember, only our Supporting Advertisers get their Facebook page posts shared on ACN!
4. Watch for Community Media workshops in 2016!

I wish each and everyone of you the best in your projects, goals and all endeavors, Let me know how I can serve you in accomplishing them!

Carol Harper, Editor
Amador Community News

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